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  • admin 7:32 pm on December 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: michael libow fan club   

    Michael Libow Fan Club 2013-2014 

    It’s been a while since we updated this site. We gained a whole bunch of new members for the Micheal Libow fan club. In case you aren’t familiar, Michael Libow is a real estate agent in Beverly Hills. He sells multi-million dollar houses to the rich and famous in and around L.A. He’s a rockstar (his band broke up but rumor has it he’s putting something together? We keep checking his Twitter account to see when and if the next concert will be) and a philanthropist. When we last left you guys, we were planning a huge “WE LOVE MICHAEL” rally at his latest concert….but our tour bus broke down and we had to resort to siphoning gas from Tim’s VW bus. No worries, we got our act together this time and are ready to roll!

    So if you haven’t already purchased your Michael Libow fan club membership, you need to contact me immediately. Just drop a comment in the comment section and let us know how you’d like to pay. In the kit you will receive an official “We Love the Libow” tshirt, membership card (I’m a card-carrying member since 2010) and map to his home. We ask that you don’t go knocking on his front door (as that would be totally rude) but you can take pictures of the famous Witches House that he lives in and maintains. Seriously, this thing is awesome! There are other stars homes in and around where Michael Libow lives in Beverly Hills. Also, if you’re in the market for a super cool and super exclusive house, just head on over to his real estate website (http://michaellibow.com/) to see some of the awesome homes he has for sale.

    If you guys have any questions feel free to drop me a line in the comments section. We will be updating this fan site more regularly from here on out.

    Peace out!

    (Just look at that thing! Sitting in the middle of Beverly Hills is a fairy tale Hansel-and-Gretel house!)


  • admin 3:17 am on February 6, 2011 Permalink | Reply
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    Michael Libow Fan Page 

    Michael Libow is a Beverly Hills Real Estate agent who was born and raised in Beverly Hills. He is the proud owner of the Witch’s house, a famous 1920′s house created by a Culver City movie studio. Michael has extensively remodeled the house and it is widely considered to be a famous Beverly Hills Landmark. The house incorporates the stylings of a storybook fairy tale coupled with elements of famed Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi.

    While attending UCLA as a Mathematics major, Michael got his real estate license on a whim. 25 years later and he is one of the hardest working real estate agents in Beverly Hills. His business acumen is second to none. His social skills and sense of humor all contribute to his great success as a Beverly Hills real estate agent who specializes in selling high end houses.

    Michael also supports the Beverly Hills police and fire departments as well as the Beverly Hills Educational Foundation. Beverly Hills high school dedicated a Mathematics lab in his name in 2008. His philanthropy extends beyond the city limits of Beverly Hills. Michael has given much to the community, yet is very modest about his charitable acts.

    Even though Michael devotes enormous amounts of time to his business, he still is able to find time to be the lead singer of a classic rock cover band: Rod Lightning & The Thunderbolts of Love. They have played many gigs including corporate and charity events as well. Their largest crowd was back in October of 2010 at the Apple Harvest Faire which supports the Beverly Hills Education Foundation. Michael is the lead singer for the group and his vocals are second to none.

    Here is the legendary Michael Libow performing at the Summer Concerts series:

  • admin 9:17 pm on January 12, 2011 Permalink | Reply
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    The Witch’s House 

    Located in Beverly Hills, the Witch’s house was a creation by a Culver City studio in 1921.

  • admin 3:49 pm on January 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , michael libow real estate, michaellibow   

    Michael Libow Beverly Hills 

    Welcome to Michael Libow Beverly Hills!  This website is all about Michael Libow who lives in Beverly Hills, California.  Stay tuned as we updated this site with information about Michael Libow!

    • Mr WordPress 3:49 pm on January 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply

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